Fan, ‘Advayasamatāvijaya: the Sanskrit MS in Tibet’ (2011)

范慕尤 (作者) 《梵文写本《无二平等经》的对勘与研究》
梵文贝叶经与佛教文献系列丛书②  中西书局 2011.12

Fan, Muyou. Advayasamatāvijaya: A Study Based upon the Sanskrit Manuscript Found in Tibet. Series of Sanskrit Manuscripts & Buddhist Literature 2. Shanghai: Zhongxi Book Company. 10+356+13 pp. 2011. ISBN 978-7-5475-0303-4. [English introduction]
(Via RISM)

Nice to see this new publication. Pardon me, though, if part of it seems just a little too familiar. Compare page 4ff of the front matter, on the parallels between the opening of the Advayasamatāvijaya (missing in Fan’s Sanskrit MS) and the STTS, presented as the author’s own work:

with the beginning of a document prepared for Dr. Fan in 2008:

Sincerely flattered, I am.