Yang (2018), Bukong 不空 aka. Amoghavajra

Yang, Zeng. 2018. ‘A biographical study on Bukong 不空 (aka. Amoghavajra, 705-774): networks, institutions, and identities’. PhD diss., University of British Columbia. DOI:10.14288/1.0363332. URI: hdl.handle.net/2429/64506

Note: This dissertation is distinguished by its use of Japanese scholarship and secular historical sources in Chinese. However, the back-Sanskritization of Chinese jingang ding 金剛頂 as Vajroṣṇīṣa adopted here (p. 4, n.1) is doubtful. The term jingang ding jing 金剛頂經 is of course the title of a tantric text and/or textual genre (經), which in Sanskrit sources is Vajraśekhara, and is always used in this sense in the translations of the period; it is not the name of the obscure and unrelated deity Vajroṣṇīṣa. In fact vajraśekhara is attested as the source term for jingang ding 金剛頂 in translations such as Taishō 1191.