Sugiki (2016-7), Vajraḍāka 12–13, 19

Sugiki, Tsunehiko 杉木 恒彦. 2017. ‘Perfect Realization (Sādhana) of Vajraḍāka and His Four Magical Females ― Critical Editions of the Sanskrit Vajraḍākamahātantra, Chapters 12 and 13’. WIAS [Waseda Institute for Advanced Study] Research Bulletin 早稲田大学高等研究所紀要 9, 14–31. [PDF]

Sugiki, Tsunehiko 杉木 恒彦. 2016. ‘A Maṇḍala and Sādhana Practices of Mundane Deities in the Vajraḍākatantra ― A Critical Edition of the Vajraḍākatantra Chapter 19’. 智山勧学会(編) 『小峰彌彦先生・小山典勇先生古希記念 転法輪の歩み』 (Chisan Kangakukai ed., KOMINE Michihiko Sensei KOYAMA Norio Sensei Koki Kinen Tenporin no Ayumi) Tokyo: 青史出版 (Seishi Publisher), 283–342. OCLC: 6329551899

Author: Hiroshima U;

Tanemura, Śūnyasamādhivajra’s Mṛtasugatiniyojana (2013)

種村 隆元 「Śūnyasamādhivajra 著作の葬儀マニュアル Mṛtasugatiniyojana: サンスクリット語校訂テキストおよび註」 『東洋文化研究所紀要』 163 (127)–(101).

Tanemura, Ryūgen. ‘Śūnyasamādhivajra’s Mṛtasugatiniyojana: A Critical Edition and Notes’. The memoirs of Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia 163, 2013, pp.110–136. [in Japanese; PDF]

Continue reading “Tanemura, Śūnyasamādhivajra’s Mṛtasugatiniyojana (2013)”

Kubota, Tibetan Buddhism: Germany & Switzerland (2012)

久保田, 滋子 「チベット仏教の現代的展開に関する一考察 : ドイツとスイスを事例とし」 『哲學』 128 (2012. 3)

Kubota, Shigeko. ‘Thoughts on the modern aspects of Tibetan buddhism: the cases of Germany and Switzerland’. Tetsugaku No. 128, 2012, pp.403–445. [In Japanese; abstract / PDF]

From the Abstract

At present, numerous Tibetan Buddhist groups exist in Europe and North America, but the Buddhism of these groups differ from the “customary Buddhism” that is an integral part of daily life for the Tibetans themselves. From the point of view of a Tibetan, the Buddhism of those groups are not a part of Tibetan culture but rather of Western culture, and are a form of Western religion like Christianity. […]

Yoshizaki: ‘Dr. Kulman, who taught Kawaguchi Ekai’ (2012)

Which of the nineteenth-century Kulamāna Vajrācāryas was the confrere of Ekai Kawaguchi (and of Sylvain Lévi,* et al)? Mr. Kazumi Yoshizaki digs into his Index of Personal Names in Newari Historical Materials (forthcoming) to find out:

吉崎 一美 (Yoshizaki, Kazumi). 「河口慧海に梵語文法を教授したクルマン博士」 (Dr. Kulman who Taught Sanskrit Grammar to Rev. Kawaguchi Ekai in Nepal). 『印度學佛教學研究』 第六十一巻第一号 (Journal of Indian and Buddhist studies vol.61 no.1), pp.508–504/(11)–(15), 2012-12-20. [PDF at CiNii]

* “Le vieux pandit Kulamâna, de Patan, gagne sa vie à enseigner des rudiments de catéchisme et à copier des manuscrits” (Lévi, Le Népal: étude historique d’un royaume hindou, 1905 II:27).

Bentzen, ‘Origins of Religiousness: Natural Disasters’ (2013)

Nepal has earthquakes; Java has volcanoes; the United Kingdom has dreary weather. Is there a geographic correlation between religiosity and catastrophe?

Jeanet Sinding Bentzen. ‘Origins of Religiousness: The Role of Natural Disasters’. University of Copenhagen Department of Economics Discussion Paper 13-02, 2013. [official site / PDF]

From the Abstract

[…] Natural disasters are a source for adverse life events, and thus one way to interpret my findings is by way of religious coping. The results are robust to various measures of religiousness, and to inclusion of country fixed effects, income, education, demographics, religious denominations, and other climatic and geographic features. The results hold within Christianity, Islam and Buddhism, and across continents. […]