Tomabechi (2017) & Tanaka (2017) on the Āmnāyamañjarī

वैशाखपूर्णिमायां सुखितं भवन्तु॥

Tomabechi, Toru (苫米地 等流). 2017. ‘Abhayākaragupta作Āmnāyamañjarī 所引文献―新出梵文資料・第1〜4章より (Quotations in Abhayākaragupta’s Āmnāyamañjarī Chapters 1-4 (Extracted from a Newly Available Sanskrit-Tibetan Bilingual Manuscript))’. 『綜合仏教研究所年報』 (Annual of The Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University) 39, 99–136. [repo] [PDF]

Update (2018/5/11): On the MS and its facsimile edition, see also—

Tanaka, Kimiaki (田中 公明). 2017. ‘アームナーヤ・マンジャリーの新資料 (New Material on the Āmnāyamañjarī)’. 『東洋文化研究所紀要』 (The memoirs of Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia) 172, 37–48. [repo] [PDF]

NB: Quotations from the following Sanskrit texts are extracted from the publication earlier noticed here: Continue reading “Tomabechi (2017) & Tanaka (2017) on the Āmnāyamañjarī”

Abhayākaragupta (2015), Āmnāyamañjarī

Abhayākaragupta; 四川省藏文古籍搜集保护编务院 (编) (Sichuan Sheng Zang wen gu ji sou ji bao hu bian wu yuan), (ed). 2015. 藏区民间所藏藏文珍稀文献丛刊(精华版)[Rare and ancient Tibetan texts collected in Tibetan regions series: collection edition]. Vol. 1: Dpal yang dag par sbyor pa’i rgyud kyi rgyal po’i rgya cher ‘grel pa 第一卷《喜金刚吉祥正加行续王之注释》 [Śrīsaṃpuṭatantraṭīkā Āmnāyamañjarī]. Chengdu: Sichuan Nationalities Publishing House 四川民族出版社. 891 pp. 17 × 46 cm. ISBN: 9787540959746.

Note: Volume 1 is a facsimile of a complete bilingual Sanskrit-Tibetan MS, with Sanskrit in Bhujiṅmol script and Tibetan underneath in dbu med script.

The Āmnāyamañjarī at Matheson Library Rare Books Collection, Monash University

OCLC: 974706095, 960106478.