The Richard R. & Magdalena Ernst Collection of Himalayan Art. Auction, 22 March 2018, 10:00 AM EDT, Sotheby’s New York. Sale Number N09800. (Part of Asia Week New York.) [official site] [PDF]
Note: This extraordinary collection contains Nepalese paintings that have received little attention or that are otherwise significant. For instance, Lot 907 (below) is identified as a painted icon of Buddhakapāla (?), which would make it the only one known in Nepal.

Greetings. I recently discovered your website and find it very interesting. With regards to this post I wanted to open a discussion with you or anyone who might find these matters interesting. It appears to me that there is a possibility that the main deity in this image is Hevajra and Nairātmyā and not Buddhakapāla and Citrasenā. What are your thoughts?
How the auction house has identified this painting as Buddhakapāla isn’t clear. The Sanskrit sources for the four-armed Buddhakapālas generally prescribe a khaṭvāṅga. I’ve added a “(?)” to the original post; further investigation is needed.