Sonam Tsemo (Xu tr.), Intro to Buddhist Tantra (2012)

Xu_2012_Xubuzongjianlilun薩迦二祖索南孜莫(作者), 許明銀(譯者) 《印度西藏密教概論:認識最初之體系性密教概說》 大千出版社 2012年12月22日

Sa skya Bsod rnams rtse mo [b.1142], Xu Ming Yin [b. 1952] (tr.). Yindu Xizang mi jiao gai lun: ren shi zui chu zhi ti xi xing mi jiao gai shuo [*Introduction to Indo-Tibetan Tantric Buddhism: Understanding the first systematic primer on tantra(?)]. Taipei: Darchen, 2012. ISBN: 9789574472673 []

A partial Chinese translation of the earliest rGyud sde spyi’i rnam par gzhag pa. See Xu’s unofficial introduction.

Union Catalogue of Buddhist Texts Meeting, 2010

Four groups, formed around each of the four major canonical languages of Buddhism — Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan and Pāli — are now meeting at Mahachulalongkorn Vidyalaya, Bangkok, under the sponsorship of the International Association of Buddhist Universities. There they are hammering out plans to create a Union Catalogue of Buddhist Texts (UCBT), to be made freely available online.

More information (and snapshots of possibly familiar faces) can be found at the University’s website, here.

Tho, ‘Further Biographies of Nuns’ (2008)

Annlaug Tho. Selected Translations and Analysis of ‘Further Biographies of Nuns’. Master’s thesis in History of Religion, University of Oslo, Spring 2008. [URN & abstract / PDF]

From the introduction: “This thesis is a study of ‘Further Biographies of Nuns’ [續比丘尼傳] compiled by Master Zhenhua [震華大師] in the 1940s. I have selected three biographies from the Tang Dynasty, two from the Song Dynasty, two from the Yuan Dynasty, one from the Ming Dynasty, and four from the Qing Dynasty.”