Mabbett (2012, ed.), Prācyaprajñāpradīpa

Ian W. Mabbett (ed). Prācyaprajñāpradīpa: Professor Dr Samaresh Bandyopadhyay Felicitation Volume on Early Indian History and Culture. Franklin, Tennessee: NIOS (North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies) and International Forum for Felicitating Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay. 2012. xxii+584 pp. ISBN 978-0-9848617-0-1. Rs 2500 / USD$70.

From the Preface

The volume contains (in Part 1 with 3 sections) a compendium of information about the career and scholarly achievements of Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay along with a large number of tributes written by people who have benefited from their association with him, and also (in Part 2) an exceptional collection of learned research articles; these have been written in his honour by many who have been impressed and inspired by his scholarship and personality, and they mirror the great depth and the diversity of his own research interests. […]


PART II: Research Papers on Early Indian History and Culture
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Tanemura, Śūnyasamādhivajra’s Mṛtasugatiniyojana (2013)

種村 隆元 「Śūnyasamādhivajra 著作の葬儀マニュアル Mṛtasugatiniyojana: サンスクリット語校訂テキストおよび註」 『東洋文化研究所紀要』 163 (127)–(101).

Tanemura, Ryūgen. ‘Śūnyasamādhivajra’s Mṛtasugatiniyojana: A Critical Edition and Notes’. The memoirs of Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia 163, 2013, pp.110–136. [in Japanese; PDF]

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Chan, ‘The Dharmatrāta-Dhyāna Sūtra’ (2013)

Chan, Yiu-wing 陳耀榮. ‘An English translation of the Dharmatrāta-Dhyāna Sūtra (達摩多羅禪經 T15, no.618) — With Annotation and a Critical Introduction’. PhD diss., The University of Hong Kong, 2013. ix+548 pp. [official site]

From the Abstract

One of the early texts translated from Sanskrit into ancient Chinese in around 411 C.E. is called the Dharmatrāta-dhyāna-sūtra (T15, no.618) which was a detailed account of the meditational methods of Buddhasena and Dharmatrāta who were the two most renowned dhyāna teachers in Kaśmīra around 400C.E. They may be regarded as belonging to the tradition of the Sarvāstivāda Dārṣṭāntika masters who were characterized by their active interest in meditation and popular preaching in which they excelled in communicating through poems and allegories. […]
This sūtra essentially preserves the ancient Sarvāstivādin meditation teachniques. But it importantly incorporates Mahāyānistic-Tantric elements, such as the maṇḍala and visualization. […] As a result, it came to exert a great impact on the subsequent teaching and practice of Chinese Buddhism, particularly those of Buddhist meditation.

Steinkellner, Krasser & Lasic, Viśālāmalavatī 2 (2013)

Ernst Steinkellner, Helmut Krasser, Horst Lasic (eds.) Jinendrabuddhi´s Viśālāmalavatī Pramāṇasamuccayaṭīkā Chapter 2. Sanskrit Texts from the Tibetan Autonomous Region, Vols. 15/1, 15/2. Beijing & Vienna: China Tibetology Publishing House Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2013. 149+111 pp. ISBN-13: 978-3-7001-7134-8.

斯齐,卡热萨,斯坦因凯勒校勘 (編) 《吉年陀罗菩提《集量论》广大清净疏第二章:全二册 梵文、英文分享到》 中国藏学出版社 2013

[Publisher information updated from provided cover image, 2013/7/3. See also: Series’ official site]

Kragh ed., The Buddhist Yogācārabhūmi Treatise (2013)

Ulrich Timme Kragh (ed.) The Foundation for Yoga Practitioners: The Buddhist Yogācārabhūmi Treatise and Its Adaptation in India, East Asia, and Tibet. Harvard Oriental Series 75. “Available 07/22/2013”. ISBN 9780674725430.

From the Summary

“The present edited volume, conceived by Geumgang University in South Korea, brings together the scholarship of thirty-four leading Buddhist specialists on the Yogācārabhūmi from across the globe. The essays elaborate the background and environment in which the Yogācārabhūmi was composed and redacted, provide a detailed summary of the work, raise fundamental and critical issues about the text, and reveal its reception history in India, China, and Tibet. The volume also provides a thorough survey of contemporary Western and Asian scholarship on the Yogācārabhūmi in particular and the Yogācāra tradition more broadly.”

(Contains, among others [updated, 2013-05-01]:

H. Sakuma 佐久間秀範, ‘Remarks on the Lineage of Indian Masters of the Yogācāra School: Maitreya, Asaṅga, and Vasubandhu’, pp.330–366.
M. Delhey, ‘The Yogācārabhūmi Corpus: Sources, Editions, Translations, and Reference Works’, pp.498–561.)

Saddharmarāja V., Nāmamantrārthāvalokinī (2011)

Vilasavajra-Saddharmaraja-NamamantrarthavalokiniPaṇḍita Kavirāja Saddharmarāja Bajrācārya Śāstrī (tr.) Ārya Mañjuśrī Nāmasaṅgīti: advayaparamārtha nāmasaṅgīti. Ācārya Vilāsavajra kṛta Nāmamantrārthaavalokinī Ārya Mañjuśrī Nāmasaṅgītiyāgu ṭīkāyā lidhaṃsāy, ṭippaṇī va bhāvārthasahita Nepālabhāṣāy saṅkṣipta anuvāda. Lalitapura: Rāmeśa Maharjana saparivāra, VS 2068 [2011 CE]. na+320 pp.

Facsimile Edition of All Palmleaf MSS in the TAR (2012?)

*Facsimile Edition of Palmleaf Manuscripts in the Tibet Autonomous Region: Complete Collection. 2012(?). 61 vols.

*Facsimile Edition of Palmleaf Manuscripts in the Tibet Autonomous Region: Complete Collection. Brief Index. 2012(?).

*Master Catalogue of Palmleaf Manuscripts in the Tibet Autonomous Region. 2012(?). 4 vols.

61-volume Facsimile edition of Palmleaf MSS in the TAR (via Tibet TV)
Palmleaf MSS in the TAR, 61 volumes (via Tibet TV)

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Rashtriya Skt Sansthan, Saṃskṛtanāṭyaviṃśatikā (2010)

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan. Saṃskṛtanāṭyaviṃśatikā: Twenty best Sanskrit plays in performance. New Delhi: Rāṣṭriyasaṃskṛtasaṃsthānam, 2011(?). 20 videodiscs.

Contents: (1) Jāgarūko bhava (2) Sabhikadyūtakaram (3) Bhagavadajjukīyam (4) Karṇāsvatthāmīyam (5) Cārudattam (6) Campakarāmaḥ (7) Nāgānandam (8) Madhyamavyāyogaḥ (9) Mattavilāsaprahasanam (10) Svapnavāsavadattam (11) Hāsyacūḍāmaṇiprahasanam (12) Pratijñāśvatyāmīyam (13) Abhiṣekanāṭakam (14) Mālavikāgnimitram (15) Tripuradāhaḥ (16) Pañcakalyāṇī (17) Āścaryacūḍāmaṇiḥ (18) Sītācchāyam (19) Ekapātrābhinayaḥ (20) Kauravauravam [sic].

'...सेर्ष्यं मारवधूभिरित्यभिहितो बोधौ जिनः पातु व' (नागानन्दम् १.१)
‘…सेर्ष्यं मारवधूभिरित्यभिहितो बोधौ जिनः पातु वः’ (नागानन्दम् १.१)