Hartmut Walravens, Alexander Zorin. ‘The Āli-kāli Trilingual Syllabary Brought by D. G. Messerschmidt from Siberia and Edited by G. S. Bayer in 1728’. Journal of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies Vol. XXI, 2017 (国際仏教学大学院大学研究紀要 第 21 号 平成 29 年), 183–241. [official repo] [PDF]
Michael Slouber. 2017. Early Tantric Medicine. Snakebite, Mantras, and Healing in the Gāruḍa Tantras. Oxford University Press. 392 pp. ISBN: 9780190461812. [official site] [OCLC: 931476268]
Luigi, Rogora. 2015-2016. ‘La Luce Nella Valle: Lo Svayambhūpurāṇa nel Buddhismo Nepālese’. Università degli Studi di Milano, Facoltà di Studi Umanistici. Corso di Laurea Triennale in Lettere. iv+167 pp. [academia.edu]
Note: Contains an annotated Italian translation of Svayambhūdharmadhātusamutpattinidānakathā 1.1–63.
Abhayākaragupta; 四川省藏文古籍搜集保护编务院 (编) (Sichuan Sheng Zang wen gu ji sou ji bao hu bian wu yuan), (ed). 2015. 藏区民间所藏藏文珍稀文献丛刊(精华版)[Rare and ancient Tibetan texts collected in Tibetan regions series: collection edition]. Vol. 1: Dpal yang dag par sbyor pa’i rgyud kyi rgyal po’i rgya cher ‘grel pa 第一卷《喜金刚吉祥正加行续王之注释》 [Śrīsaṃpuṭatantraṭīkā Āmnāyamañjarī]. Chengdu: Sichuan Nationalities Publishing House 四川民族出版社. 891 pp. 17 × 46 cm. ISBN: 9787540959746.
Note: Volume 1 is a facsimile of a complete bilingual Sanskrit-Tibetan MS, with Sanskrit in Bhujiṅmol script and Tibetan underneath in dbu med script.
The Āmnāyamañjarī at Matheson Library Rare Books Collection, Monash University
Extract: This unique manuscript provides a list of ‘Names of Buddhist Monasteries situated within the domain of Nepal’, as its title states. Eighty-five sites are documented, written in Devanagari script in three columns: Sanskrit name – identity of main image – Newar name. […] The manuscript was written for Sylvain Lévi by the Newar Buddhist pundit Siddhiharṣa Vajrācārya (1879–1952), according to its colophon. Most likely it was produced in 1922, a year when Lévi mentions meeting with Siddhiharṣa [1929:37] as he gathered manuscripts and visited monasteries on his second trip to Nepal. […]
MS-SL 60 [Nepālamaṇḍalābhyantaragata-buddhavihāra-nāmāni], c. 1922, Collège de France, Institut d’Etudes indiennes, Origine: Sylvain Lévi (collectionneur).
Sugiki, Tsunehiko 杉木 恒彦. 2017. ‘Perfect Realization (Sādhana) of Vajraḍāka and His Four Magical Females ― Critical Editions of the Sanskrit Vajraḍākamahātantra, Chapters 12 and 13’. WIAS [Waseda Institute for Advanced Study] Research Bulletin 早稲田大学高等研究所紀要 9, 14–31. [PDF]
Sugiki, Tsunehiko 杉木 恒彦. 2016. ‘A Maṇḍala and Sādhana Practices of Mundane Deities in the Vajraḍākatantra ― A Critical Edition of the Vajraḍākatantra Chapter 19’. 智山勧学会(編) 『小峰彌彦先生・小山典勇先生古希記念 転法輪の歩み』 (Chisan Kangakukai ed., KOMINE Michihiko Sensei KOYAMA Norio Sensei Koki Kinen Tenporin no Ayumi) Tokyo: 青史出版 (Seishi Publisher), 283–342. OCLC:6329551899
Sugiki, Tsunehiko 杉木 恒彦. 2016. ‘Kambala’s Sādhananidhi ― Critical Editions of the Sanskrit and Tibetan Texts of Chapters from 4 to 7’. Kaichi International University Bulletin 開智国際大学紀要 15, 19–46. [PDF]
Note: Commentary on Herukābhidhāna 4–7, after MS NGMPP B 31/20.
De Simini, Florinda. 2016. Of Gods and Books. Ritual and Knowledge Transmission in the Manuscript Cultures of Premodern India. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. xi+477 pp. ISBN 978-3-11-047881-5. EPub / Open Access PDF.
Booknote: The first edition of the Samājasādhanavyavastholi by Nāgabuddhi, a treatise on tantric meditation in the tradition of the Guhyasamāja. The Sanskrit text, based on MSS NGMPP E 920/12 and Göttingen Xc14/30 is presented alongside its Tibetan translation (འདུས་པའི་སྒྲུབ་པའི་ཐབས་རྣམ་པར་བཞག་པའི་རིམ་པ་, Q 2675). There is an introduction in Japanese and English with a short preface in Tibetan.