A Pracalita Nepalese Unicode font (2018)

The Unicode codeblock for the pracalita Nepalese script (“Newa”) now has at least one font in alpha: Noto Sans Newa (git), under the Noto Sans family. At the present time there is little support for the encoding outside web browsers. A working example was tweeted this month by Supriya Manandhar (@patansoup).

Screenshot of Noto Sans Newa repertoire (credit: @patansoup)

Remarks on the font have been posted from within Nepal (by Ananda K. Maharjan), which point out just a few of the issues needing to be fixed. There is a lot to be desired about this font and the encoding in general, but at least we now have something to work with.
Test: 𑐣𑐾𑐰𑐵𑐬