Valerio-Baumann, ‘Die Bedeutung weiblicher Gottheiten im ikonographischen Programm des Vaitāl Deul’ (2011)

Valerio-Baumann, Sabine. ‘Die Bedeutung weiblicher Gottheiten im ikonographischen Programm des Vaitāl Deul. Eine Kritische Analyse unter Berücksichtigung der Devī-Darstellungen von Śakti-Tempeln in Orissa.’ Diplomarbeit (Magistra der Philosophie), Universität Wien. 2011. 140 pp. [official site/PDF]

From the Abstract

This thesis focuses on the significance of the female goddesses in the iconographic program of one of the most important Śakti-temple in Orissa – the Vaitāl Deul. This monument is situated in the city of Bhubaneśvar and was built during the reign of the Bhauma-Karas-dynasty. […] While a large number of devīs can be found on the temple walls and inside the sanctum, male figures are rare but situated on important positions of the building, e.g. in the caitya-medallions of the gaṇḍi or inside the shrine. Part of this thesis focuses on the sociohistorical and religious background of the Vaitāl Deul. By means of a comparative analysis, I studied the relation of the iconographic program of the Vaitāl Deul both with Sanskrit-śilpa-manuscrip[t]s (Śilpa-Prakāśa and Śilparatnakośa) and with the iconographic programs of other, representative Śakti-temples of Orissa. These analyses have shown that every Śakti-Temple has its own independent iconographic program. […]

(Fortunately, this Orissan masterpiece is still standing. It helps to be on the right side of history in Hindustan — not like these guys.)

Abb. 7 Südansicht des deul (© WHAV 2009). (Valerio-Baumann 2011:87)

Sun, ‘Newly transcribed Dharanis in Xixia’ (2010)

孙伯君 (著) 《西夏新译佛经陀罗尼的对音研究》 中国社会科学出版社 2010-05-01

Sūn Bójūn. Xī​xià xīnyì Fó​jīng​ Duó​luó​ní de duìyīn yán​jiū [Researches on the newly transcribed Dharanis in Xixia]. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 196 pp. 2010. ISBN 9787500488903.

Brief Contents

第一章 几种西夏新译汉文佛经陀罗尼材料
第一节 宝源译《胜相顶尊总持功能依经录》、《圣观自在大悲心总持功能依经录》
一 考述
二 “尊胜陀罗尼”的梵汉对音
三 “大悲心陀罗尼”的梵、藏、汉对音

第二节 八思巴字注音本《密咒圆因往生集》
一 考述
二 《密咒圆因往生集》的梵、八思巴、汉对音

第三节 元代藏经中的西夏译本辑考
一 西夏陀罗尼对音的用字特点
二 释智译《圣妙吉祥真实名经》为西夏译本
三 《圣妙吉祥真实名经》中陀罗尼的梵汉对音
四 真智译《佛说大白伞盖总持陀罗尼经》为西夏译本
五 《佛说大白伞盖总持陀罗尼经》中陀罗尼的梵汉对音

Mori, ‘Buddhist art & mandalas of Tibet’ (2011)

Mori, Chibetto no Bukkyou bijutsu to Mandara

森 雅秀 (著) 『チベットの仏教美術とマンダラ』 名古屋大学出版会 2011年07月 12,600円

Mori, Masahide. Chibetto no Bukkyō bijutsu to mandara [*Buddhist Art and Mandalas of Tibet]. Nagoya: The University of Nagoya Press, 2011. 315 pp. ISBN 978-4-8158-0670-5. [official site]

第1部(チベットの地理と歴史 チベットの仏教美術概観 ほか)
第2部(ラダック地方アルチ寺三層堂のマンダラ ペンコル・チョルテン第五層の金剛界マンダラ)
第3部(マンダラ儀軌集成書『ヴァジュラーヴァリー』ゴル寺の「ヴァジュラーヴァリー・マンダラ集」とその周辺 ほか)
第4部(集会樹に見られる宗教実践とイメージ「五百尊図像集」に関する基本的問題 ほか)

Some forthcoming e-texts

Input, but not online yet (an incomplete list):

  1. अद्भूतधर्मपर्याय
  2. अभिसमयमञ्जरी
  3. अमृतकणिका आर्यमञ्जुश्रीनामसङ्गीतिटीका
  4. आर्यसत्य
  5. कक्षपुट
  6. कप्फिणाभ्युदय
  7. कुण्डलकेशीप्रभात
  8. गुह्यवज्रविलासिनीसाधन
  9. गुह्यावली
  10. ज्ञानसारसमुच्चयनिबन्ध
  11. तर्कसोपान
  12. धर्मपदव्याख्यान
  13. धर्मोत्तरप्रदीप
  14. नन्दगौतमीय
  15. नलगिरिदमन
  16. नानासिद्धोपदेश
  17. नालन्दादहन
  18. निष्किञ्चनयशोधर
  19. नृत्यप्रसूति
  20. न्यायबिन्दुटीका
  21. पञ्चकन्यातरङ्गिणी
  22. पञ्चकाराभिसम्बोधि
  23. पञ्चविंशतिसाहस्रिका प्रज्ञापारमिता
  24. पञ्चाकार
  25. पद्मचिन्तामणि नाम नागसेनचरीत
  26. मध्यमार्थसङ्ग्रह
  27. मध्यान्तविभागसूत्रभाष्यटीका
  28. महामायातन्त्र
  29. महामायासाधनोपायिका
  30. वीरकन्यावाहिनी
  31. व्यक्तपादटीका
  32. सलामाविनाश प्रतिवर्णरूपनृत्यनाटिका
  33. साधनमाला
  34. सिद्धैकवीरमहातन्त्र
  35. सुधाभोजन
  36. स्वाधिष्ठानप्रभेद

Meinert, ‘Buddha in der Jurte’, forthcoming (2011)

Meinert (2011), Buddha in der JurteCarmen Meinert (ed.) with contributions from Andrey Terentyev. Buddha in der Jurte: Buddhistische Kunst aus der Mongolei (Buddha in the Yurt: Buddhist Art from Mongolia). Hirmer Verlag, forthcoming (October 2011). “~750” pp., ~550 Illus. ISBN: 978-3-7774-4231-0.

Official Description
As Buddhist art reached 17th Century Mongolia, it became an established element in the life of believers. These volumes show a representative selection of exquisite objects from a singular private collection and reflect the range of influences from Tibet to the Manchurian Qing dynasty.

[Multi-volume set; to be published in English/Russian and German/Mongolian]

Wei, ‘Dhyāna-samāpatti in Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma’ (2011)

惟善 (著) 《说一切有部之禅定论研究——以梵文《俱舍论》及其梵汉注释为基础》 中國人民大學出版社 2011

Wei, Shan. Shuì​shuō​ yī​qiè​yǒu​bù​ zhī​ chán​dìng​lùn​ yán​jiū​: yǐ​ Fàn​wén​ ‘Jù​shè​lún​’ jí​qí​ Fàn​-Hàn​ zhù​shì​ wéi​ jī​chǔ (Dhyāna-samāpatti in Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma). Beijing: Zhōng​guó​ Rén​mín​ Dà​xué Chū​bǎn​shè, 1 May 2011. ¥54.40. 407 pp. ISBN 9787300137445 [official site].

A study of the Sanskrit text of the eighth chapter of the Abhidharmakośa.

Sakuma, ‘Lokeśvara in Indian Tantric Buddhism’ (2011)

佐久間 留理子 『インド密教の観自在研究』 山喜房佛書林 10.5.2011 A5 17,000円

Sakuma, Ruriko. Indo Mikkyō no Kanjizai Kenkyū [*Studies on Avalokiteśvara in Indian Tantric Buddhism]. Tokyo: Sankibo Busshorin, 2011. 620 pp. ISBN 978-4-7963-0015-5.

Contents (目次)


第1章 文献学的研究

第2章 図像学的研究

第3章 宗教実践方法の研究


1 ローカナータ(世門主)成就法
2 カサルパナ(空行)世自在成就法
3 ヴァジュラダルマ(金剛法)成就法
4 シャダクシャリー(六字)世自在成就法
5 シンハナーダ(獅子吼)世自在成就法
6 ニーラカンタ(青頸)聖観自在成就法
7 ハーラーハラ世自在成就法
8 パドマナルッテーシュヴァラ(蓮華舞自在)成就法
9 ハリハリハリヴァーハナ生起成就法
10 トラーイロークヤヴァシャンカラ(三界制御)世自在成就法、及び、トラーイロークヤヴァシャンカラ(三界制御)の教えのブグマ世自在成就法
11 ラクタ(赤)世自在成就法
12 ローケーシュヴァラ(世自在)敬愛儀軌
13 マーヤージャーラクラマ(幻化網次第)観自在
14 供養を伴うマーシャムカの陀羅尼
15 スガティサンダルシャナ(善趣示現)世自在
16 プレータサンタルピタ世自在成就法
17 スカーヴァティー(極楽)世自在成就法

(A.1) ローカナータ(世門主)
(A.2) カサルパナ(空行)世自在
(A.3) ヴァジュラダルマ(金剛法)

(B.1) シャダクシャリー(六字)世自在
(B.2) シンハナーダ(獅子吼)世自在
(B.3) ニーラカンタ(青頸)聖観自在
(B.4) ハーラーハラ世自在
(B.5) パドマナルッテーシュヴァラ(蓮華舞自在)
(B.6) ハリハリハリヴァーハナ世自在
(B.7) トラーイロークヤヴァシャンカラ (三界制御)世自在
(B.8) ラクタ(赤)世自在
(B.9) マーヤージャーラクラマ(幻化網)観自在
(B.10) スガティサンダルシャナ(善趣示現)世自在
(B.11) プレータサンタルピタ世自在
(B.12) スカーヴァティー(極楽)世自在


Nīlakaṇṭha (Sakuma 2011:150‒151)

Newell, ‘Picturing the Goddess’ (2011)

Zo Margaret Newell. ‘Picturing the Goddess: Images and the Imagination of Modern Hindu Religious Identity’. PhD diss., Vanderbilt University, May 2011. 293 pp. [official site / PDF]

From the Abstract

This project inquires into the role of visual print technology in the construction of a pan-Indian sense of religious identity at the end of the colonial era. I take as my starting point the statement by Sri Ramakrishna of Calcutta that “a real Hindu” is someone who has, and worships, pictures of deities — specifically, pictures of the mother goddess — and proceed to the phenomenological and historical consideration of a selected set of images.

Gandhi at war
Zonewell (2010:258 Fig.42). A good man goes to war.

Robert Beer

‘Visionary Realms: An Interview with Robert Beer’. 2011. [PDF at Wisdom books or online (more pictures).]

Nice to see these informed musings on twentieth- and twenty-first-century Newar art by Robert Beer, its most accomplished Western exponent, ranging from the influence of Botticelli’s Nascita di Venere upon it to thoughts on some of its current leading lights.

There is also a plug for Robert Beer’s joint venture with Wisdom books, the commercial site, offering stuff at the higher-quality end of the market.

Bühnemann, ‘The Buddha’s Journey to Lumbinī’ (2011/06/11)

Gudrun Bühnemann. ‘The Buddha’s (Return) Journey to Lumbinī (lumbinīyātrā).’ Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens vol. 54 (in press; to appear in November 2011).

Prof. Bühnemann’s upcoming presentation of selected findings in Nepal was announced today on sanskritbuddhism:

Date: June 11, 2011
Time: 3 pm
Venue: Kholcha Pokhary, Manimarga, Chakupat 22 (NIEM Library Building), Lalitpur

According to Newar Buddhists, Śākyamuni Buddha visited his birthplace Lumbinī after his enlightenment. Depictions of this journey became popular in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Nepal. They show the Buddha riding standing up on a snake while being attended by Hindu deities in service to him. The scene, known as the lumbinīyātrā, is represented in numerous paintings and in wood and metal work, and is also described in texts. This strand of the Buddha legend is specific to Newar Buddhism and not attested in Indian biographic or hagiographic accounts of the Buddha’s life. In this paper I will trace the history of the lumbinīyātrā theme by examining descriptions in texts and artistic representations. I will then discuss elements of the yātrā which are also found independently in other contexts. In conclusion, I will offer some thoughts on the significance of the lumbinīyātrā theme.

Gautamavajra Vajrācārya, Lumbinīyātrā paubhā (Nṛtyamaṇḍala-Mahāvihāra, Portland), NS 1125