Kumari house 250th Anniversary, Sep. 2007

A series of events is being organised to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the Kumari-house in Kathmandu. The anniversary will be celebrated with several worship programs, the renovation of a number of items and furnishings, the issue of a commemorative stamp and publication, and of course the iconic rathayātrā.

The festivities last for about a week starting from September 24, 2007. (Thanks to I.T. for the lead.)

12th c. Buddhist cave found in East Java

A 12th-century meditation cave with Buddhist sculptures was recently discovered (or rather publicised) near the hamlet of Jireg in East Java. It seems that its contents have already been looted. There is little information about how the dating was reached (the few available images are of the Majapahit style). Offerings appear to have been regularly made by pilgrims.

The Buddhist affiliation of the site is similarly not made clear in news reports. But then there is mention of the “1,500 Buddhists in Bondowoso” — a surviving village of Majapahit Buddhists? Fascinating.

It is predictable that comment on this find fell automatically to Theravādin groups, who of course have no connection whatsoever to the Majapahit era or any other aspect of Indonesia’s Buddhist heritage.

* In other news, Burmese Theravādin monks recently released their hostages.

Manuscripts vanish from BNF

Some 30,000 books and manuscripts, including nearly 2,000 considered to be of “exceptional historical value”, have gone missing from the Bibliothèque Nationale, France.

The BNF contains important collections of Sanskrit manuscripts, including those gathered in Nepal and originally donated by Brian Houghton Hodgson. So much for the view that priceless South Asian artifacts, including manuscripts, are better off in European hands.

One of the BNF’s Buddhist MSS: the Udānavarga.

– Article: ‘Curator suspected of looting library’, The Guardian, June 28 2005.

Luczanits’ ITBA

Christian Luczanits. 2014&ndash. ‘Homepage of Christian Luczanits’ [before 2014: Indian and Tibetan Buddhist Art (ITBA) at the University of Vienna]. http://www.luczanits.net.

NB: a large and well-documented collection of photographs from sites in the Himalayas and South Asia including Alchi, Ladakh, Kanganhalli, Kinnaur and Lahaul-Spiti.