Bühnemann, ‘Buddhist & Śaiva Iconography in Artists’ Sketchbooks from Nepal’ (2012)

Gudrun Bühnemann. The Life of the Buddha: Buddhist and Śaiva Iconography and Visual Narratives in Artists’ Sketchbooks from Nepal. By Gudrun Bühnemann, with Transliterations and Translations from the Newari by Kashinath Tamot. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute, 2012. ISBN 9789937553049, 204 pp. USD$50. [available from Vajra Books]

About the Book

This book describes, analyses and reproduces line drawings from two manuscripts and a related section from a third manuscript. These are: 1) Manuscript M.82.169.2, preserved in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (circa late nineteenth century) 2) Manuscript 82.242.1-24, preserved in the Newark Museum (from the later part of the twentieth century) and 3) A section from manuscript 440 in the private collection of Ian Alsop, Santa Fe, New Mexico (early twentieth century). The line drawings depict Hindu/Śaiva and Buddhist deities and themes, but the Buddhist material is predominant, as one would expect in artists’ sketchbooks from Patan. […]

Hase, ‘Orissa: A Journey into Esoteric Buddhism’ (2012)

長谷 法寿 (編著) 河辺 利晴 (撮影) 『インド・オリッサ秘密佛教像巡礼』 柳原出版 12,000円+税 A4判変型 

Hase, Hōju (ed.), Kawabe, Toshiharu (photography). Indo orissa: himitsu bukkyōzō junrei (Orissa, India: a Journey into Esoteric Buddhism and Its Iconography). Tokyo: Yanagihara Shuppan, April 2012 [official]. 286 pp. ISBN-13: 978-4840950244.

Valerio-Baumann, ‘Die Bedeutung weiblicher Gottheiten im ikonographischen Programm des Vaitāl Deul’ (2011)

Valerio-Baumann, Sabine. ‘Die Bedeutung weiblicher Gottheiten im ikonographischen Programm des Vaitāl Deul. Eine Kritische Analyse unter Berücksichtigung der Devī-Darstellungen von Śakti-Tempeln in Orissa.’ Diplomarbeit (Magistra der Philosophie), Universität Wien. 2011. 140 pp. [official site/PDF]

From the Abstract

This thesis focuses on the significance of the female goddesses in the iconographic program of one of the most important Śakti-temple in Orissa – the Vaitāl Deul. This monument is situated in the city of Bhubaneśvar and was built during the reign of the Bhauma-Karas-dynasty. […] While a large number of devīs can be found on the temple walls and inside the sanctum, male figures are rare but situated on important positions of the building, e.g. in the caitya-medallions of the gaṇḍi or inside the shrine. Part of this thesis focuses on the sociohistorical and religious background of the Vaitāl Deul. By means of a comparative analysis, I studied the relation of the iconographic program of the Vaitāl Deul both with Sanskrit-śilpa-manuscrip[t]s (Śilpa-Prakāśa and Śilparatnakośa) and with the iconographic programs of other, representative Śakti-temples of Orissa. These analyses have shown that every Śakti-Temple has its own independent iconographic program. […]

(Fortunately, this Orissan masterpiece is still standing. It helps to be on the right side of history in Hindustan — not like these guys.)

Abb. 7 Südansicht des deul (© WHAV 2009). (Valerio-Baumann 2011:87)

Mori, ‘Buddhist art & mandalas of Tibet’ (2011)

Mori, Chibetto no Bukkyou bijutsu to Mandara

森 雅秀 (著) 『チベットの仏教美術とマンダラ』 名古屋大学出版会 2011年07月 12,600円

Mori, Masahide. Chibetto no Bukkyō bijutsu to mandara [*Buddhist Art and Mandalas of Tibet]. Nagoya: The University of Nagoya Press, 2011. 315 pp. ISBN 978-4-8158-0670-5. [official site]

第1部(チベットの地理と歴史 チベットの仏教美術概観 ほか)
第2部(ラダック地方アルチ寺三層堂のマンダラ ペンコル・チョルテン第五層の金剛界マンダラ)
第3部(マンダラ儀軌集成書『ヴァジュラーヴァリー』ゴル寺の「ヴァジュラーヴァリー・マンダラ集」とその周辺 ほか)
第4部(集会樹に見られる宗教実践とイメージ「五百尊図像集」に関する基本的問題 ほか)