Hua (2016), Buddhist Printing in China under Mongol Rule

Hua, Kaiqi. 2016. The White Cloud Movement: Local Activism and Buddhist Printing in China under Mongol Rule (1276-1368 CE). PhD diss., University of California, Merced. 379 pp. [official repo:] [PDF] [author:]

Puning canon mantras
Hua 2016:201 Fig.2, mantras transliterated in ‘Phags pa script in the Puning canon 普寧藏本 [beginning: ꡳꡝ ꡋꡏꡡ ꡎꡁꡓꡊꡠ…]

From the Abstract: This dissertation studies the White Cloud movement in Song- and Yuan-era Jiangnan. […] The movement was mostly led by local laymen rather than monks. Its wealth and reputation peaked with the production of a Buddhist canon during the reign of Khubilai Khan (1276-1294), who provided direct patronage. […] Continue reading “Hua (2016), Buddhist Printing in China under Mongol Rule”

Walravens & Zorin (2017), The Āli-kāli

Hartmut Walravens, Alexander Zorin. ‘The Āli-kāli Trilingual Syllabary Brought by D. G. Messerschmidt from Siberia and Edited by G. S. Bayer in 1728’. Journal of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies Vol. XXI, 2017 (国際仏教学大学院大学研究紀要 第 21 号 平成 29 年), 183–241. [official repo] [PDF]

Ālikālivijahāra a.k.a. Dbyangs gsal bzhugs a.k.a. Lingva Tangutica prima Elementa (Walravens & Zorin 2017:235)

International Conference on Tibetan History &c. (2013-7-13)

四川大学中国藏学研究所(会议主办)、哈佛燕京学社(会议协办): “7至17世纪西藏历史与考古、宗教与艺术国际学术研讨会”。 中国·成都·四川大学 2013年7月13-15日。

Center for Tibetan Studies of Sichuan University & Harvard-Yenching Institute (co-conveners). ‘International Conference On Tibetan History And Archaeology, Religion And Art (7th–17th c.)’. Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, July 13–15, 2013. [official site / 2nd circular w/ abstracts]

会议召集 人:霍 巍 教授(四川大学)、范德康 教授(哈佛大学)

Conference conveners: Prof. Huo Wei (Sichuan University) & Prof. Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp (Harvard University).

Continue reading “International Conference on Tibetan History &c. (2013-7-13)”

Sun, ‘Newly transcribed Dharanis in Xixia’ (2010)

孙伯君 (著) 《西夏新译佛经陀罗尼的对音研究》 中国社会科学出版社 2010-05-01

Sūn Bójūn. Xī​xià xīnyì Fó​jīng​ Duó​luó​ní de duìyīn yán​jiū [Researches on the newly transcribed Dharanis in Xixia]. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 196 pp. 2010. ISBN 9787500488903.

Brief Contents

第一章 几种西夏新译汉文佛经陀罗尼材料
第一节 宝源译《胜相顶尊总持功能依经录》、《圣观自在大悲心总持功能依经录》
一 考述
二 “尊胜陀罗尼”的梵汉对音
三 “大悲心陀罗尼”的梵、藏、汉对音

第二节 八思巴字注音本《密咒圆因往生集》
一 考述
二 《密咒圆因往生集》的梵、八思巴、汉对音

第三节 元代藏经中的西夏译本辑考
一 西夏陀罗尼对音的用字特点
二 释智译《圣妙吉祥真实名经》为西夏译本
三 《圣妙吉祥真实名经》中陀罗尼的梵汉对音
四 真智译《佛说大白伞盖总持陀罗尼经》为西夏译本
五 《佛说大白伞盖总持陀罗尼经》中陀罗尼的梵汉对音