Sakai, Dharmottara / kṣaṇikatvānumāna (2010)

Sakai, Masamichi. Dharmottaras Erklärung von Dharmakīrtis kṣaṇikatvānumāna (Dharmottara / proof of monentariness [sic]). Dissertation, Universität Wien (Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät), 2010. [abstract; PDF.]

Supervised by Helmut Krasser; contains a critical edition of Pramāṇaviniścayaṭīkā II on Pramāṇaviniścaya II vv.53–55 (‘MS: 83a5–91a4’*).

* Is it not a prerequisite of codicological description that the place of deposit is explicitly mentioned? Here only the following information is given: “Eine allgemeine Beschreibung des PVinṬ 2 Ms hat bereits Prof. Steinkellner gegeben.” Not everyone — at least, not the entire internet-connected readership of this dissertation — has a copy of Steinkellner (2007) just lying around. A little more information appears in the Abstract: “Vor kurzem sind Photokopien von einem in Tibet [!] aufbewahrten codex unicus zugänglich geworden.”