Li, Madhyamakāvatāra 6.1–97 (2012)

李学竹 〈《入中论颂》第六章1一97颂校勘〉 《中国藏学》 1, 2012. (ISSN 1671-6043)

Li, Xuezhu. ‘Madhyamakāvatāra-kārikā’. China Tibetology no.1, 2012, pp.1–16.

Slightly late news, but then this publication doesn’t seem to have been mentioned anywhere else (or brought to my attention) by anyone named in the acknowledgements. That isn’t too surprising, though. One of the three other publications mentioned by the author is an edition of Vasubandhu’s “Viṃśatikākārikā” (p.2), yet one of the nominal collaborators has established back in 2008 that this text should properly be titled Viṃśikā.

According to Li, “It will take about ten more years to prepare and complete a careful edition of the entire text” (p.1). That should allow enough time to incorporate these trivial corrections:

smaraṇāt mano 'sti → smaraṇād mano 'sti

jñeyaṃ vinā syāt yadi → jñeyaṃ vinā syād yadi

sa cittamātraṃ || → sa cittamātram ||

vāṅmayam vajram → vāṅmayaṃ vajram

tasmin tasmin → tasmiṃs tasmin

tān jinena → tāñ jinena